OUR FARMING HISTORYLe Croc crocodile farming operations started in the 1980’s and has been expanded through continued investment and upgrading of the farming infrastructure, breeder livestock and ongoing research in developing new farming technologies. Today, our captive breeding farm operations features new generation climate controlled and energy efficient infrastructure, capable of annual production of 8 000 quality Crocodile skins.
TOPS PermitOUR MANAGEMENT TEAMDr Susan van der Woude (
BVSc Hons. BSc, BTech), Le Croc's in-house veterinarian oversees the h
usbandry and abattoir operations. Dr Susan, studied internal medicine and clinical pathology in her honors degree, focusing initially on equine and small animals, became intrigued by the mystique of crocodiles and the challenges of developing the veterinary science of farming with this ancient and non-domesticated apex predators. Dr Van der Woude is actively involved in the development of Le Croc's Quality Management Systems to ensure optimal animal health, welfare and production and product quality. Dr Van der Woude is assisted by a group of experienced and trained supervisors responsible for the dedicated husbandry and abattoir teams.
ANIMAL WELFARE International Standards for crocodile farming lays down the requirements that will achieve animal welfare outcomes for farmed crocodiles, namely for the farmed crocodiles to be healthy, comfortable, well nourished, safe and free from disease and distress.

Our operational teams are trained to be responsible for the implementation of the Le Croc Quality Management System. The QMS system is designed to achieve animal welfare outcomes envisaged by the International Standards and Good Operating Practices set by the
International Crocodile Farmers Association (ICFA) as well as domestic regulations. Le Croc achieved
ICFA Certification in November 2021

Standard Operating Procedures is documented and the Compliance Monitoring system aims to ensure that areas of improvement are identified, reviewed and procedures are amended to as part of the continuous business development process. Our well-trained field staff takes great care to achieve our goals in animal production and welfare.Le Croc’s animal health and welfare outcomes monitoring and evaluation system is guided by the
OIE Five freedom domains, namely:
• Freedom from hunger, thirst, and malnutrition;
• Freedom from fear and distress;
• Freedom from physical and thermal discomfort;
• Freedom from pain, injury and disease; and
• Freedom to express normal patterns of behavior.